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 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.

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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMar 14 Jan - 23:09

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bonjour tout le monde ! moi mon p'tit nom c'est

Loreleï Aerin Frozen

comme je l'ai dit juste au dessus, je m'appelle Loreleï, oui, comme la célèbre Sirène. je suis née un certain 21 Novembre et même qu'il pleuvait ce jour-là dans une ville qui se nomme Stockholm ; mais oui, vous savez, en Suède ! maintenant, je vis ici, à lighfield, et pour être honnête, je trouve que c'est une petite ville sympathique mais un peu trop calme  à mon goût. heureusement, ici, on rencontre des jolis poulets. d'ailleurs, en parlant de ça, je suis attiré(e) par les hommes et suis actuellement célibataire mais amoureuse de mon bolide. je ne sais pas vraiment si c'est une bonne ou une mauvaise chose mais bon, je m'y fais plutôt bien. de toute façon, j'ai autre chose à penser puisque je suis UC. la classe, non ? ce qui a moins la classe en revanche, c'est qu'on me confond souvent avec Katie Cassidy et ça m’énerve. je ne sais même pas qui c'est d'abord ! ah, au fait, je fais partie du groupe ecrire ici.

quoi ? tu veux en apprendre davantage sur moi ?

alors laisse-moi te raconter une histoire

caractère : ecrire ici. manies et habitudes : ecrire ici.

Ton souffle s’accélère et ton regard se fait plus acéré. Tu analyses et tu écoutes. Tu fonces sans te poser de questions. Tu revois ces images. Ce crash. Cette foutue voiture qui s’enflamme et ton père qui reste prisonnier de l’habitacle. Ce sont d’abord les rouas qui explosent puis l’essence fait s’embraser le bolide. Les commissaires de courses s’acharnent mais la chaleur est trop puissante, les explosions trop féroces. C’en est fini de tout ça. Son âme a déjà quitté la Terre. Ta mère pleure et toi, tu as encore du mal à comprendre que tu ne le reverras plus. « Un jour Papa, je te dépasserai ! » Il t’avait souri ce jour là. C’était le matin même. « J’y compte bien ma puce. » Il caresse tes cheveux et s’enfonce dans la monoplace, faisant ronfler les moteurs. Une larme s’écoule puis deux. No, tu n’as pas le droit de flancher. Ta carrière est en jeu. Tes mains se crispent sur le volant de ta Porsche. Les voitures s’écartent sur ton passage. Ce que tu fais est interdit mais c’est si bon de sentir l’adrénaline courir dans tes veines. Et à défaut de te trouver dans une Formule 1, tu te déchaînes sur les routes …

c'est bien joli tout ça, mais en vrai de vrai, moi c'est


on me connaît sous le pseudo Hopliness. mais mon vrai prénom c'est Marjo(rie). j'ai 20 ans et j'habite à Paris ; mais oui, vous savez, en Ile de France ! j'ai connu le forum grâce à Marion  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 369700402  et pour être honnête, je trouve qu'il est superbe  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2563559304  donc je vais essayer d'y venir le plus souvent possible. pour finir, j'ai envie de dire que  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1163709879 .

[color=#cc3333]♦️[/color] [b]Katie Cassidy[/b], [i]Loreleï A. Frozen[/i]

Dernière édition par Loreleï A. Frozen le Lun 20 Jan - 13:44, édité 4 fois
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMar 14 Jan - 23:10

Bonjour *.*

En fait, j'hésite beaucoup sur mon avatar car, en ce moment, j'ai l'habitude de jouer Momsen sauf que là, ce n'est pas possible x)
Ma fille sera une rêveuse et une grande romantique tout en étant combative et franche.
Elle sera aussi fille d'un pilote de course automobile décédé très tôt ^^
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la puissance est en moi
Alma-Deirdre Higgins

Hi ! My name is
Alma-Deirdre Higgins
▽ INSCRIT LE : 11/11/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 224
▽ BONUS : 86
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : britney bitch.
▽ CRÉDITS : anaëlle.
▽ PSEUDO : lauu _ (laurine).

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMar 14 Jan - 23:17

leighton est un excellent choix  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 776889210 
bienvenue parmi nous, et bonne chance pour ta fichette  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3270023046 si tu as besoin de quoique ce soit, le staff est à ton entière disposition  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3110320080 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1745995559 
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMar 14 Jan - 23:18

Merci :)
Mais au final, j'accroche pas à Leighton :/
Sinon je pensais à Astrid BF mais je ne sais pas si elle est libre, j'avoue ne pas avoir été fouiner dans le bottin ^^"
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la puissance est en moi
Alma-Deirdre Higgins

Hi ! My name is
Alma-Deirdre Higgins
▽ INSCRIT LE : 11/11/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 224
▽ BONUS : 86
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : britney bitch.
▽ CRÉDITS : anaëlle.
▽ PSEUDO : lauu _ (laurine).

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMar 14 Jan - 23:21

astrid est parfaite et elle est libre en plus de ça, donc fais-toi plaisir  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 955846707 
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Heaven Haynes

Hi ! My name is
Heaven Haynes
▽ INSCRIT LE : 13/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 88
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Shailene Woodley
▽ CRÉDITS : foolish pleasure

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 10:50

Astrid serait parfaite en effet  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3134376083 
Bienvenue  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 369700402 
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la puissance est en moi
Aden Oaken

Hi ! My name is
Aden Oaken
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 533
▽ BONUS : 154
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Liam sexy Payne
▽ CRÉDITS : Frenchadicted & tumblr
▽ PSEUDO : Zamande (Amandine)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 11:41

Bienvenuuuue Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1845259753

Omfg, Astrid je l'aime prend la  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 369700402 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 369700402 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2528695022 

Sinon bon courage pour ta fiche et n'hésite pas si t'as encore besoin Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2347274330
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la puissance est en moi
Isaac Williams

Hi ! My name is
Isaac Williams
▽ INSCRIT LE : 21/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 656
▽ BONUS : 127
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : louis tomlinson, le mec le plus hot de la terre et JE LUI FAIS DES MILLIONS DE BB SEKSI COMME LUI.
▽ CRÉDITS : sweet disaster.
▽ PSEUDO : anaëlle.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 12:17

Bienvenue ici ! Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3270023046 Astrid serait un très bon choix en effet !  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2356916333 
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la puissance est en moi
Juliette Villegas

Hi ! My name is
Juliette Villegas
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 745
▽ BONUS : 282
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Zoe sugg la magnifique
▽ CRÉDITS : vava ~ TeamBullshit • Gif ~ Tumblr • Signa ~ Unchained Melody
▽ PSEUDO : Jewel (Marina)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 15:53

Astrid est magnifique et tout le monde à l'air de l'aimer alors moi jte dis prend là Rolling Eyes
en tout cas bienvenue Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1845259753
si t'as le moindre soucis hésites pas et bonne chance pour ta fiche Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3270023046
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la puissance est en moi
Matthew Hudson

Hi ! My name is
Matthew Hudson
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/11/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 151
▽ BONUS : 112
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Harry Hot Styles
▽ CRÉDITS : Avatar: Young Bird, code sign: La merveilleuse Anaëlle ♡ , gif: tumblr
▽ PSEUDO : .

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 18:40

Bienvenuuue et je dis à nouveau Astrid Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2347274330
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyMer 15 Jan - 18:50

Merci beaucoup à tous  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3317165440 
Bon bah ce sera Astrid alors  I love you 
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Gladys-Anïssa Calioze

Hi ! My name is
Gladys-Anïssa Calioze
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 48
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Antonia Iacobescu
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) tearsflight
▽ PSEUDO : Free.hugs

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 22:38

Mais j'te connais toi  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3357131712 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3478502452 Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2627304692 

Super choix encore une fois ma jolie, bienvenue parmi nous Marjolie (jeu de mot de ouuuuuuf) Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3635869685 

J'te réserve un super lien  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 955846707 
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 16 Jan - 22:53

Ooooh mais oui,ta tête me dit quelque chose  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 4025893657 
Mais t'es une cinglée  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 443884174 
T'as intérêt namého  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 130194377 
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la puissance est en moi
Juliette Villegas

Hi ! My name is
Juliette Villegas
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 745
▽ BONUS : 282
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Zoe sugg la magnifique
▽ CRÉDITS : vava ~ TeamBullshit • Gif ~ Tumblr • Signa ~ Unchained Melody
▽ PSEUDO : Jewel (Marina)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:00

Hello cela fait plus d'une semaine que tu t'es inscrit et ton délai pour ta fiche est donc terminé  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2980507892 On te laisse jusqu'à demain pour te manifester (terminer ta fiche ou demander un délai) ou on se retrouvera dans l'obligation de te supprimer  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2246547310 J'espère que tu pointeras le bout de ton nez  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2018183564
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:18

Coucou :)

Désolée ma vie IRL est assez compliquée et, en ce moment je ne sais plus où donner de la tête.
Mais une chose est sûre, ma Loreleï me tient à coeur alors si je pouvais avoir un délai ? *.*
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la puissance est en moi
Juliette Villegas

Hi ! My name is
Juliette Villegas
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 745
▽ BONUS : 282
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Zoe sugg la magnifique
▽ CRÉDITS : vava ~ TeamBullshit • Gif ~ Tumblr • Signa ~ Unchained Melody
▽ PSEUDO : Jewel (Marina)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:20

Oui y a pas de soucis ça arrive  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2356916333 
Tu voudrais un délai jusqu'à quand ?
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:25

Mmm on est Jeudi ...
Vendredi de la semaine pro, c'est possible ?  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 3134376083 
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la puissance est en moi
Juliette Villegas

Hi ! My name is
Juliette Villegas
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 745
▽ BONUS : 282
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Zoe sugg la magnifique
▽ CRÉDITS : vava ~ TeamBullshit • Gif ~ Tumblr • Signa ~ Unchained Melody
▽ PSEUDO : Jewel (Marina)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:34

Oui je te fais ça  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1976924482 
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyJeu 23 Jan - 13:58

Merciiiii ♥
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyVen 31 Jan - 16:38

Finalement, je ne ais pas pouvoir rester, je suis désolée :/
Le personnage m'a donné envie de tenter un forum sur les courses automobiles, chose que l'on a jamais ue aant alors je vais tenter de lancer le projet.
Si ce n'est pas possible, je reviendrai parmi vous parce que vous êtes juste super accueillants ♥
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la puissance est en moi
Juliette Villegas

Hi ! My name is
Juliette Villegas
▽ INSCRIT LE : 20/10/2013
▽ MESSAGES : 745
▽ BONUS : 282
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Zoe sugg la magnifique
▽ CRÉDITS : vava ~ TeamBullshit • Gif ~ Tumblr • Signa ~ Unchained Melody
▽ PSEUDO : Jewel (Marina)

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyVen 31 Jan - 17:51

hum c'est vrai que c'est du jamais vu Rolling Eyes Si au moins on t'as permis d'avoir des idées de forum c'est déjà pas mal comme contribution Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 1218806815  
Bref, reviens quand tu veux et puis bonne chance pour le projet  Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. 2356916333
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Loreleï A. Frozen

Hi ! My name is
Loreleï A. Frozen
▽ INSCRIT LE : 14/01/2014
▽ BONUS : 13
▽ JE RESSEMBLE À : Karie Cassidy
▽ CRÉDITS : (c) Blondie.
▽ PSEUDO : Hopliness.

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. EmptyVen 31 Jan - 18:06

Merci, je viendrais demander un partenariat si j'y arrive ♥
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Hi ! My name is
Contenu sponsorisé

Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.   Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it. Empty

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Loreleï • To be a champion, it takes more than just being quick. You have to really believe it.

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feels like home :: ▽ Once upon a time... :: ◊ Who are you ? :: ◊ So sorry-